WarriorPlus Quick Guide for Affiliates

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This is a WarriorPlus Quick Guide for Affiliates which will help you get started with the WarriorPlus platform.

WarriorPlus Quick Guide for Affiliates

The WarriorPlus platform, just like many other platforms, has a learning curve associated with it. Because of the sheer number of features and options available, this is only to be expected

When you first start out as an affiliate on WarriorPlus, you may feel somewhat overwhelmed. Some terms may at first seem confusing such as how to get your affiliate link and so on.

Don’t panic. In this WarriorPlus Quick Guide for Affiliates article I will answer some of the most common questions that affiliates have when trying to work out how to promote Warrior Plus products.

Ok so now let’s take a look at the common questions…

1. How do I get my affiliate link?

Before you can get your affiliate link, the first thing you should do is send the vendor an affiliate request. As soon as the vendor approves your request, you’ll receive an email informing you that your request so sell the product has been approved. You should then click on the link in the email and sign in to WarriorPlus – and your link will be there waiting for you.

2. How do I add a bonus to my affiliate link?

In order to add a bonus, you’ll first need to be approved. Now go and click on the ‘Get Link’ button which is next to the product name. You’ll see a field that says “Buyer Bonus URL”. Add the URL to your bonus file here.  The bonus file will need to be hosted on your own server.

Should you wish to add bonuses to the upsells in the funnel, you’ll need to click on the offer’s name (product). Now you are going to see 3 tabs saying – Overview, Funnel Map and Products.

Click on the ‘Products’ tab. Now you’ll see the products in the funnel, and next to each product there is going to be a little gift basket icon. If you click on this icon, you’ll be able to add your bonus URL to these upsells. When looking at how to make money with Warrior Plus, a bonus is not always essential.

This is also the place where you will be able to see the entire sales funnel by clicking on the funnel map. Hopefully the vendor you’re promoting has not gone totally crazy and added tons of upsells/downsells.  If this is the case, then you’ll want to avoid such offers.

3. What is the WarriorPlus wallet?

When you make a sale and earn a commission, it gets held in what is termed a wallet. You can then withdraw from the wallet to your PayPal account.

This is a good way to keep the vendor’s PayPal account safe. A single transaction is better than a ton of small transactions of money going in and out almost immediately. PayPal has clamped down on this kind of thing and you should always aim to avoid making the PayPal algorithm detect any suspicious activity – even if you’re perfectly honest and legitimate.

It is possible that the length of time your commissions will be delayed will vary and generally this all depends on your affiliate score,. For new affiliates there could be a delay of 30 days, while more experienced and reputable affiliates may have a delay of only a few days or perhaps experience no delay at all.

4. What do the terms ‘hops’ and ‘pulse’ mean?

The term Hops simply refers to the number of times people click on your affiliate links.

The term ‘pulse’ of a product refers to it’s popularity and how many affiliates are making sales from it. Over time the pulse score will decline. However, that is not a reflection of the quality of the product or how well it will convert.

These 2 metrics aren’t really that important when promoting a product. All they really give you is an idea of a product’s conversion during a launch, but other than that, they don’t matter.

Don’t panic – You can still pull in lots of affiliate sales even if you’ve never even glanced once at the pulse or hops. The main thing is your promotion efforts. This WarriorPlus Quick Guide for Affiliates will hopefully give some clarity to this.

5. Where can I find offers to promote?

If you click on this link, you are going to find a whole list of products that you can promote: https://warriorplus.com/affiliate/offers

6. Where can I see my daily affiliate stats?

You will find them here: https://warriorplus.com/affiliate/stats

You can sort your stats by date range too.

7. How do I know where I stand in a JV contest?

In order to see the contest leaderboard for a product you’re promoting, you’ll firstly need to go to the affiliate dashboard and click on ‘Offers’. From there you need to find the product you’re promoting. You can either do a search by the vendor’s name or the product title.

Once you locate the product listing, if there’s a contest, you’ll see a little gift basket icon on the left of the product name. Click on this icon and you’ll be taken to the affiliate sign up page and there will be a link to the contest right at the bottom of the page. Now go and click on the contest link and you’ll see the leaderboard.

8. How do I see my affiliate score, refunds, etc?

You will find these details here: https://warriorplus.com/account/summary

That just about sums up the most common questions that affiliates have when using the platform. I hope that you have found this WarriorPlus Quick Guide for Affiliates useful.

If you cannot see your question here, you can always contact WarriorPlus support by clicking on the red icon on the lower right corner of the screen to access the chat box: https://help.warriorplus.com/en/

Alternatively, you may reach out to their support using their Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wrplus/

The WarriorPlus platform has made brought many affiliates financial success. Use it well and I hope the odds will forever be in your favour during your affiliate promotions.

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